Good news
last night, someone gave me a custom acapela addon for nvda, and it included the arabic voices, at first it couldn’t get them to work, but after changing a line of coad in the configuration files for the voices, rather than doing this stupid language switching thing, it actually uses the voice. I might poast…
new elten group
me and my friend made an elten group called blazy enterprises, anybody is welecome. you can talk about anything as long as you follow the rules. there are all sorts of catigorys, text to speech, which i just got done poasting in, feal free to ask me for any tts voice you want, or download…
a song cover done by me and my friend
yes, i admit it was off beat in places, bbut i did my best in turms of editing, anyways, my friend reece was the mane vocalist, and i was the backing vocals, and because i couldn’t hit the high notes at the end of the song, i made my self sound like a chipmunk. listen…
should have poasted this sooner but whatever
so literally a day after I made that last arabic voice related poast, I had come up with a solution of fixing it, but guess what? after doing this new fix, it worked only for a week, and even better, i got a new keyboard and microphone for my computer, and on satterday, the shit…
when you type the long a string in the middle of a word
I said i wasn’t gona make another poast for 20 years, but i was told of yet another way to kill eliska, listen to this awesomeness
what the fuck is wrong with this voice?
okay, so this yousseff voice is malfunctioning again, it was working fine last night when i needed it, but when i switched to it today, it completely disapeared. and when i tried to unstall it, it refuses to uninstall, and some how i lost my restore point i had made for if something like this…
lol this tts voice just scared the shit out of me
so, I was installing more of these great acapela voices on my new computer and decided to install a few new languages, one of these voices was the check eliska voice because when i used to go looking around for yousseff, download links would pop up for that voice, so i decided why not give…
I hate that squish talker just might never be created
Okay, so if anyone doesn’t know what squish talker is, it was a program that was gona be your one stop shop for anything speech synthesiser related. so, you could either download third party synthesisers like acapela, loquendo, nuance realspeak and vocalizer, scansoft and l&h realspeak, speachify realspeak, just basicly every synthesiser and voice you…
how to get light cars working on modern windows
enes was asking me, so here is my recording.